
In this example we will show you how to setup and get started with the zgli.py module. To get started you will need to download the following example files.

2.Set up

Before starting it is important to note that for accessibility purposes, we will use google colab in this example, but this example can be done using other tools such as jupyter notebook. Also, a working version of this notebook is available on github here. Now, with the files downloaded, let's create a notebook. Start by creating a new notebook in google colab, and upload the previously downloaded files into the session storage. When all of this is done you should end up with something like this:


With everything set up, we can begin writing our code. Start by importing all the libraries we will be needing.

4.Distance Matrix

Now, lets compute the distances between files using the zgli module.

5. Cluster

With a distance matrix computed, we can now cluster our files. In this example we will be using the AgglomerativeClustering technique from sklearn.

6.Plot Results

Now that we have a model we can plot our results! To plot our results we use the plot function available here.