
v0.2.0 - February 24th, 2023

  • Added tree module to zgli.
  • Added all documentation pretaining to the tree module
  • Updated some of the old documentation
  • Published a paper where we use the zgli tool to cluster clinical data, avilable here, or on the about us page.

v0.1.0 - November 22th, 2022

  • Published zgli on pypi.
  • Added README file.
  • Added License.
  • Updated File Structure.
  • Updated Quick Start notebook.

v0.0.6 - February 21th, 2022

  • Firtst Github public release.
  • Added Docstrings to all functional classes and functions.
  • Updated the website documentation.

v0.0.5 - February 15th, 2022

  • Website lauch 😁
  • Added the possibility of choosing weights when performing compression by column.

v0.0.4 - January 21th, 2022

  • Added first version of categorical feature encoder.
  • Added compression by column for non time-series data.

v0.0.3 - November 23th, 2021

  • Compression by column method implemented

v0.0.2 - October 14th, 2021

  • gzip compression method implemented.
  • lzma compression method implemented.

v0.0.1 - October 1st, 2021

  • First version of (inspired by complearn docker release).
  • zlib compression method available.
  • bzlib compression method available.